Semantic MediaWiki and related extensions
#scite parser

{{#scite:}} parser can only be used in namespaces that are enabled for Semantic MediaWiki.

{{#scite:Byrne 2008
|author=Byrne, A
|title=Web 2.0 strategies in libraries and information services
|journal=The Australian Library Journal

Reserved parameters

Parameters (or identifiers) are free from any restrictions besides those listed below:

Citation key

A citation resource is expected to be identifiable by a unique key and to be available wiki-wide therefore selecting an appropriate key is paramount to safeguard against unnecessary changes.

The reference parameter is the descriptor for that key. For example, to describe a Byrne 2008 resource the short or the explicit reference parameter form can be used.

{{#scite:Byrne 2008
|reference=Byrne 2008

If it becomes necessary to rename a citation key (because a resource with key Foo 2007 no longer represents a unique resource due to adding another resource with the same key) then the existing usage of that resource needs to be queried and changed before applying the new citation key (e.g. Foo 2007a).

Citation text

The property Citation text contains the formatted output of a citation resource and is used when a "referencelist" is generated. The text is either added directly (without further processing) in its final using the the |citation text= parameter or determined by an assinged template.

{{#scite:Einstein 1956
|citation text=Einstein, Albert. Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement. Courier Corporation, 1956.

In case the parameter |citation text= is not declared then #scite is going to determine a template by first looking at the |template= parameter and if such parameter is not denoted then the "template" assigned to the type of the resource is used for processing to return a formatted text value.

{{#scite:Einstein 1956
|author=Albert Einstein
|title=Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement
|publisher=Courier Corporation

If `$GLOBALS['scigEnabledCitationTextChangeUpdateJob']` is set true then a change to a citation text will initiate an update job for those pages that make reference to the related citation resource.

Type assignment

A type assignment is expected for each citation resource unless `$GLOBALS['scigEnabledStrictParserValidation'] is setfalse`.

If multiple types are assigned (e.g.|type=bgn:Thesis;schema:Book|+sep=;) then the last entry (e.g. schema:Book) will be selected as valid type descriptor.

Bibtex record import

To ease the reuse of bibtex records, #scite provides the |bibtex= parameter to import a bibtex formatted text to create an annotatable record following the assignments declared in the MediaWiki: "property" and "template" page.

AUTHOR="Bernd Meyer",
TITLE="A constraint-based framework for diagrammatic reasoning",
JOURNAL="Applied Artificial Intelligence",
VOLUME= "14",
ISSUE = "4",
PAGES= "327--344",

Author list

Authors (e.g. Einstein, Albert and Podolsky, Boris and Rosen, Nathan) will be split into an author list of natural representations (Albert Einstein etc.) while the original annotation string is still available using the hidden bibtex-author parameter.

title={Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?},
author={Einstein, Albert and Podolsky, Boris and Rosen, Nathan},
journal={Physical review},

Content formatting

@article is parsed as type article that can be assigned to a specific "template" containing the rules of how text elements are to be formatted. Please be aware that no automatic clean-up is done on elements containing {/} or new lines as in in \n SUSY (to avoid issues with MediaWiki's Parser). Yet, complex expressions (those involve macros etc.) are not parsed or resolved.

author = "Marshakov, A.",
title = "{Period Integrals, Quantum Numbers and Confinement in
journal = "Theor. Math. Phys.",
volume = "165",
year = "2010",
pages = "1650-1661",
doi = "10.1007/s11232-010-0135-y",
note = "[Teor. Mat. Fiz.165,488(2010)]",
eprint = "1003.2089",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-th",
reportNumber = "FIAN-TD-02-10, ITEP-TH-05-10",
SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1003.2089;%%"

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